Dental Care Group's Blog :

The causes and treatment for exposed tooth nerves

Armadale Dental Clinic

Are you having trouble eating certain foods? Is chewing causing you pain and discomfort?

Tooth sensitivity makes it difficult for you to eat and drink hot or cold foods. The cause of this sensitivity? It might be an exposed tooth nerve.

If you’re experiencing pain and discomfort, particularly when eating or drinking, you might want to book an appointment with our emergency dentist in Armadale right away. Crippling tooth and gum pain is often a sign of a dental emergency.

7 causes of exposed tooth nerves

‘Cementum’ is the name of the connective tissue that covers the roots of your teeth as well as your pulp and dentine.

The cementum acts as a protection of your tooth roots from plaque, bacteria and acids.

When this protection is damaged, your tooth loses its protection, and the nerve may become exposed. This can lead to tooth sensitivity, particularly when consuming hot and cold food and drinks (such as tea or ice cream).

Your cementum can wear out over time, making your teeth more sensitive.

There are many reasons why your cementum may become damaged over time, leaving your tooth nerve exposed. Some of the most common examples include:

1. Tooth grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a habit that can lead to gum recession.

The constant pressure from grinding can weaken your teeth and gums, damaging the outer layers of the tooth, which may result in nerve exposure. Grinding can cause the cementum to chip or wear away,  making your tooth more vulnerable.

Teeth grinding is a common habit; book an appointment with your Armadale dental clinic to find out how to manage this potentially damaging condition. We can prescribe a range of treatments depending on the severity of the habit, including mouthguards and splits.

2. Misaligned teeth

Overcrowded and misaligned teeth can often lead to increased pressure in certain areas of the mouth. This pressure can cause teeth to shift or rotate, potentially exposing the roots of the teeth.

3. Smoking and tobacco use

Smoking is a habit that negatively impacts overall health, including oral health. Smoking causes gum disease and can damage the bone structure that supports your teeth.

This can lead to exposed root surfaces as well as gum disease and even loose teeth that need to be removed.

4. Tooth trauma

Tooth trauma and other mouth injuries can cause severe damage to the teeth, including cracks, broken tooth or deep fractures that extend to the root.

If you’ve suffered tooth trauma, call a broken tooth emergency dentist for immediate support. When you call Dental Care Group before midday on a business day, we guarantee to see you that very same day!

You can check out our guide on what to do when a child breaks a tooth in this article.

5. Tooth decay

Untreated tooth decay weakens the enamel and can eventually expose the roots of your teeth, causing pain and sensitivity. Advanced decay can make teeth more prone to cracking or breaking

In such cases, call our emergency dentist for chipped teeth so we can offer immediate support, advice, and treatments.

6. Receding gums

Receding gums is one of the most common causes of exposed nerves that lead to gum sensitivity. When your tooth nerves are exposed, they are subject to infection which can lead to severe gum disease.

7. Harsh brushing and flossing

Brushing or flossing too aggressively can damage tooth enamel and cause gum irritation, eventually leading to nerve exposure.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and make a conscious effort to gently polish the teeth every day, rather than aggressively brush.

Alternatively, look at switching to an electric toothbrush. This can help you change your habits by reducing pressure, as you learn to let the brush do most of the work.

What are the symptoms of an exposed nerve?

An exposed tooth nerve will often leave you in pain, creating discomfort particularly when you eat or drink something that triggers or exacerbates tooth sensitivity. This is one of the most common and obvious signs of sensitivity.

Other tell-tale signs and symptoms of an exposed nerve may include:

  • Red, inflamed, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Change of tooth appearance / discolouration
  • Teeth that appear longer due to receding gums

What can you do for an exposed tooth nerve?

Tooth pain is a clear indication that something is wrong. To minimise the risks and chances of an exposed tooth nerve, it is best to see an Armadale dentist at the earliest signs of sensitivity, discomfort, or pain, or changes to tooth and gum appearance.

Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth and over-the-counter pain relievers may help temporarily, but these are not long-term solutions.

What will a dentist do for an exposed nerve?

Our family dentist in Armadale may require an x-ray to determine the correct diagnosis. Let your dentist know any symptoms you are experiencing, too.

Treatment options include:

  • Cleaning the affected area and applying dentin sealers to protect the nerve
  • Placing a tooth-coloured filling to cover and protect the sensitive area
  • Applying fluoride treatments to reduce sensitivity
  • In some cases, root canal treatment or gum graft surgery may be necessary for severe nerve exposure

Don’t suffer from tooth sensitivity – book a visit with your Armadale dentist today!

Pain and discomfort is a serious and obvious sign that something is wrong with your teeth.

Don’t ignore the signs; book a visit with our Armadale dentistry team!

Our team can assess your tooth pain and advise you on the next steps, including the dental treatment best suited to solve your oral health problems.

Call Dental Care Group for immediate advice and support on (03) 9509 1500. You can also book your visit online.

Book an appointment now!

If you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the form below or give us a call. Our friendly and experienced team look forward to hearing from you!

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